Tips for Responsible Installation and Usage of Security Cameras

Since their introduction, security cameras have become a common feature in most homes. Besides, they have become one of the most effective security systems for deterring burglars and vandals from residential properties. However, most homeowners believe that installing and using residential CCTV systems is not governed by the law. However, nothing could be further from the truth because specific standards guide responsible installation and use of CCTV. Here is what you can do for responsible installation and use of security cameras in a residential area.

Keep Private Spaces Camera-Free — Burglars are crafty and use every means possible to find weaknesses in a residential security system. For instance, some burglars try to access homes through bathroom windows. In this regard, some homeowners resort to installing security cameras in private spaces to cover every square inch of their properties. However, installing CCTV in the bathroom and reviewing the footage is considered irresponsible and a breach of privacy. Such private spaces should be left camera-free, even if it is your home. For example, guests might not know you have a camera in the bathroom. Therefore, such installations could lead to legal issues and cost you a lot in fines.

Install Signs — The essence of installing security cameras on a property is to ensure you can see everything that goes on around the compound. In most cases, it means positioning some cameras to capture the gate area. If one of your security cameras captures a public space outside your property, it is advisable to put up a sign identifying the purpose of the CCTV system. People are free to do whatever they like outside your property; therefore, they should know if there is a camera watching their moves. Failure to inform the public with a sign is considered irresponsible use of security systems.

Use Footage for Security Purposes Only — You should only use the security cameras on your property for security purposes and nothing else. For instance, installing a rotating security camera to observe your neighbours having a good time in their swimming pool is not allowed. Similarly, using security cameras to peep into a neighbour's bedroom window is illegal and could lead to litigation and jail time. Therefore, even if your cameras occasionally capture your neighbour's property, you should only use the footage for security reasons. Once the video has served its purpose, delete it immediately.

For more information, contact a local company, like MARVASTI SECURITY
